Learning Journal

A journal of habit-forming shenanigans

Git setup commands

Command Description
git config --global user.name [username] Add username
git config --global user.email [user_email_id] Add email
git init Add tracker to the folder
rm -rf .git Remove tracker from the folder
git clone [URL] [path] Cloning a remote repository
git remote -v Shows info of the original repository

Difference commands

Command Description
git diff Shows changes made in the files
git status Shows untracked and tracked files
git log Shows the commit logs
git log -p Shows all the changes made in the repo

Stagging commands

Command Description
git add \* Adds untracked files
git checkout [file_name] Revert changes to modified files before they are staged
git reset HEAD [file_name] Removes files from staging area

Commit commands

Command Description
git show Returns a list of commits andd commit id made in the repo
git show [commit-id] Shows the changes made in the repo at that commit
git commit -m "message" Commits the changes
git commit -a -m "message" Stages files automatically and commits the changes
git commit --amend Overwrite the previous commit

Rollback commands

Command Description
git revert HEAD makes a new commit which effectively rolls back a previous commit. It’s a bit like an undo command.
git revert HEAD^ reverts back to last commit while keeping the changes
git checkout HEAD~X Here X is the number of comits to go back to
git revert [commit-id] roll back to the time where the specified commit was made with a new commit to the the repo

Update to Github commands

Command Description
git pull origin master Updates changes from the repo
git push origin master Updates to the remote repo
git push --force origin master Force update the remote repo

Branch and Merge commands

Command Description
git branch Shows all the branches
git branch -a Shows all the branch of the original repository
git branch [branch_name] Creates a new branch
git branch -d [branch_name] Deletes a local repo branch
git branch -D [branch_name] Forcibly deletes the branch
git branch --merged Shows all the branches we have merged
git checkout [branch_name] Changes the branch
git checkout -b [branch_name] Create a new branch and change to that branch
git merge [branch_name] Merges branch to the current branch
git merge --abort If there are merge conflicts (meaning files are incompatible), --abort can be used to abort the merge action
git push -u origin [branch_name] Creates branch in remote repo
git push origin --delete [branch_name] Deletes a remote repo branch
git rebase [origin_branch_name] Rebase the origin branch from where the current branch is generated
git rebase --continue continue rebase process